After the Champlain Bridge, take Highway 10 direction Sherbrooke. Turn off at exit 118 (about 1 hour’s drive) and follow the sign for Magog. You’ll be on Route 141 south which turns into Merry Street. Follow this same road through a couple of stop signs and lights and cross over a bridge which is at the outlet of Lake Memhremagog . Just afterwards there is a flashing light at which you turn left. Keep to your right and A Tout Venant is the 3rd house on the right. The parking is on the side of the house, there is a open gate in the stone wall for access. It takes approximately an hour from the Champlain bridge to the B&B.
Take Highway 20 south. Take the exit for Sherbrooke, you’ll now be on Highway 55 south. Once you pass the signs for Sherbrooke , you will be on Highway 10. Stay on highway 10 until you arrive at exit 118. After taking the exit 118, follow the sign indicating Magog. You’ll be on Route 141 south which turns into Merry street.Follow this same road through a couple of stop signs and lights and cross over a bridge which is at the outlet of Lake Memphremagog. Just afterwards there is a flashing light at which you turn left. Keep to your right and A Tout Venant is the 3rd house on the right. The parking is on the side of the house, there is an open gate in the stone wall for access. It takes approximately 2.5 hours from Quebec city to the B&B.
Coming from the Interstate 91, across the border the highway turns into Highway 55. Stay on highway 55 until the exit for Ayer’s Cliff. Take that exit and follow the sign for Magog. You’ll be on Route 141 north. After a few minutes drive, at the first stop sign turn left onto Bullard street and then at the next corner turn right onto Bellevue Street(that our street!). Drive past a few houses until you see A Tout Venant’s sign on the left. The parking is on the side of the house with the access between the stone wall. It takes about 20-25 minutes from the border to the B&B.